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Diverse Kindergarten

Plan Transitions


On this page, you will discover information about collaboratively planning for a successful transition from Early Steps with families and their next supports and services.

What is planning transitions?

Planning for transition from Early Steps includes discussing options with the family, exchanging information and collaborating with community partners to coordinate services and supports, and preparing strategies to support the child and family before, during, and after the transition.

Part 1: Plan for Transitions

The transition from Early Steps at age 3 includes preparing for changes in services and supports. Families and children might experience changes in the type, amount, or location of services and supports they receive. Transitions are smoother when advanced planning and preparation occur. Advanced planning, information exchanges, and transition discussions and meetings among the family, service coordinator, early intervention providers, and individuals who will be providing services and supports are necessary to ensure a successful transition and help set the stage for positive child and family outcomes after Early Steps.   

Part 2: Support Transitions Through Collaborations

Advanced planning with families and individuals who will provide or coordinate services and supports for families when they leave Early Steps helps set the stage for a smooth transition. Transition planning involves collaborating to determine next steps, preparing the family and child for potential changes in services and supports, communicating and collaborating with community partners who will be welcoming the child, and engaging in ongoing interagency collaborations and information exchanges.  

Playing with Animals

 Developed by UF Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies as part of the Florida Department of Health Children's Medical Services Early Steps Contract COQXY.

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