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Family and Social Worker

Use Information


On this page, you will discover information about developing high quality, functional IFSP outcomes, linking outcomes to 6- and 3- month progress indicators, and strategies to help achieve each outcome.

What is using information?

Collaborating with families to develop quality IFSP outcomes, progress indicators, and strategies supports the Early Steps approach to enhance caregivers' capacity to support their child's development and learning in everyday routines.

Part 1: Write Functional Outcomes

Man and woman reviewing papers

Early Steps teams, including the family, collaborate to write high-quality and functional child and family outcomes for the Individualized Family Support Plan (IFSP). Child outcomes are useful skills that can be seen or heard, increase the child's participation and learning of skills in everyday routines, and align with the family's priorities. Family outcomes enhance family members' enjoyment of daily routines, the ease and efficiency of routines, family health or well-being, or family interactions. These outcomes are functional outcomes because they enhance the way the child and family function in everyday life.  

Part 2: Identify Functional Progress Indicators

On the Florida IFSP, Early Steps teams specify what progress toward each child or family outcome will look like in 3 months and 6 months. These "progress indicators" include the intermediate or "in-between" steps aligned with their IFSP outcome and are achievable within 3 or 6 months from when the IFSP outcome is written. 

Family sitting on couch

Part 3: Determine Strategy Action Steps,
Supports, and Services

Home Schooling

On the Florida IFSP, strategies are statements of action steps that will help achieve each child and family outcome. Strategies also include the team members responsible for each action step. Action steps for supporting child outcomes and progress indicators should "fit" with the skills and routines indicated in the outcome and be implemented by people with whom the child regularly interacts. Teams use information exchanged about informal and formal supports, routines, and priorities to help identify who will support each strategy action step.  

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